Innovative Science, Theory and Methods
** available as of 01/01/2025
This course will introduce doctoral students to evolving areas of science and technology relevant to nurse scientists that require collaborative approaches and interdisciplinary team science. Content will focus on informatics and data science, genomics, implementation science, team science, and the value of health care.

Outcomes: Upon successful completion of this course the student will be able to: 1) Identify core concepts in informatics/data science, genomics, and implementation science; 2) Describe implementation science methods and determine appropriate models for health-related interventions; 3) Analyze the main ethical issues surrounding the use of big data (of all types); 4) Determine the value of innovative science methods to the health care system; 5) Analyze current and future applications of omics for precision health.
Grading Basis
GNUR 539
Academic Group
School of Nursing
Academic Organization
General Nursing
Enrollment Requirements
Restricted to Graduate Nursing Students.