Understanding Science for PK-12 Educators
The course explores the following questions: What is science? How does it work? Why is it important? What challenges and threats does it face in the 21st century? The course also addresses fundamental principles of topics from the physical sciences and engineering within the context of and for the purpose of extending PK-12 education.

Outcomes: Students who take this course will understand the nature of scientific knowledge; engage in scientific and engineering practices in order to enhance their knowledge and understanding of the natural world and of foundational concepts within the physical sciences and engineering disciplines; make meaningful connections within and between science disciplines; articulate core challenges and threats to science in the 21st century; develop critical thinking and reasoning skills; develop strategies to promote science acceptance and confront mis- and disinformation and science denial; and develop strategies to promote equity and inclusion within science and science education. Alignment with the respective National Science Teaching Association Standard is as follows NSTA Standard 1: Content Knowledge.
Grading Basis
Lecture - Required
CIEP 185
Academic Group
School of Education
Academic Organization
Curr, Instr, & Educ Psyc