Advanced Practice Nursing Care of Older Adults
This course explores current issues in aging and the care of older adults. A major focus of the course is preparing the advanced practice nurse to manage the healthcare of older adults with multiple medical and psychosocial needs in increasingly complex care systems. Topics include health promotion, disease prevention, and social determinants of health for older adults across the spectrum of health and illness, best practices in the management of geriatric syndromes, and special considerations in the assessment of older adults with functional and cognitive limitations.

Prerequisite: GNUR 528 Management of Complex Adult Health Problems for NP students OR MSN 447 for CNS students.

Outcomes: 1) Apply current issues in aging, including aging theory, social determinants of health, caregiving, and legal-ethical considerations in the care of older adults; 2) Investigate the variety of care systems and settings where older adults receive care, including transitions of care; 3) Generate comprehensive health maintenance plans for healthy older adults and older adults with multiple comorbidities, incorporating evidence-based screening and prevention principles; 4) Discuss special considerations in the assessment of older adults with functional and cognitive limitations; 5) Apply best practices in assessment and management of geriatric syndromes; 6) Evaluate the importance of interprofessional teamwork in the care of older adults with multiple comorbidities.
Grading Basis
Lecture - Required
GNUR 534
Academic Group
School of Nursing
Academic Organization
General Nursing
Enrollment Requirements
GNUR 528 or MSN 447