European Union Privacy Law
European Union Regulation 2016/679 was adopted by the European Parliament and European Council in 2016 and has world-wide privacy law implications, not merely for activities inside the European Union. The law seeks to protect natural persons when their personal data is used by any regulated entity doing business in the EU. The law also requires regulated entities to have organized compliance efforts on a global scale. The course will examine: (a) the history of privacy law in the EU, (b) the response of the EU member states to past EU privacy directives and the current law, (c) the current EU privacy law's impact on business and data storage around the world, (d) the compliance organizational structures needed to respond to the law, and (e) liability associated with non-compliance. No background on EU law is needed; the course will begin with teaching the basic legal and constitutional structure of the European Union in order to situate the course privacy law material.
Grading Basis
Seminar - Required
LAW 838
Academic Group
School of Law
Academic Organization
Law Department
Online Campus
Enrollment Requirements
Restricted to the students in the M.J. and LL.M. Health Law, Business Law, Compliance and Enterprise Risk Management online programs and Privacy Law Certificate program.