Curriculum Improvement and School-Community Change
Recognizing that the growth and development of schools and communities are inextricably linked, this course develops candidates' understanding of curriculum and school reform as well as community improvement. It examines historic school reform and contemporary school change models in addition to school-based reform strategies intended to improve teaching and learning in schools. The course further examines contemporary community development strategies such as community organizing, community economic development, and social service approaches in order to grant insights into the role communities play as potential partners in school improvement.

Outcomes: Students will assess current research on curriculum reform and community development and their implications for improving student learning and achievement in school settings; Students will work with a local community organization or community schools' site in order to gain insights into how school and community organizations partner together to strengthen learning and developmental outcomes.
Grading Basis
Lecture - Required
CIEP 523
Academic Group
School of Education
Academic Organization
Curr, Instr, & Educ Psyc
Enrollment Requirements
Restricted to Graduate Education Students.